「97% 的人認為玩耍很重要,但三分之一的人沒有時間玩耍」
• 遊戲能促進身體、認知、情緒和社交發展。
• 它強調情緒健康和幸福的重要性。
• 遊戲可以培養正向情緒,舒緩日益增加的焦慮和憂鬱情緒。
• 它可以改善兒童的生活品質、心理健康和認知能力。
• 遊戲發展從簡單到複雜的活動,例:假扮遊戲有助於提升解決問題的能力、創造力和思維能力。
• 數十年的研究,揭示了遊戲在人類發展中的重要地位。
• 童年擁有豐富的遊戲,有助於提升成年後的適應力、壓力調節技巧。
• 遊戲對個人、家庭、社區和全球都有正面影響。
IC-PTA invites you to celebrate play! Play is the foundation for play therapy and therapeutic play -- and we know all of the benefits of play in daily life.Share with others that the United Nations has designated June 11 as the first International Day of Play! And, find time to play!See the below information and links. We thank Judi Parson of Deakin University and a representative of APPT to the Board of Directors for preparing this information for all of us!Play needs to be preserved and protected to grow the next generation because:
• Play supports physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development.
• It emphasizes the importance of emotional health and well-being.
• Play fosters positive emotions, counteracting increasing rates of anxiety and depression.
• It improves a child's quality of life, mental health, and cognitive abilities.
• Play development progresses from simple to complex activities e.g. pretend play helps foster problem-solving skills, creativity, and counterfactual thinking.
Research on the Value of Play:
• Research over decades highlights the critical role of play in human development.
• Rich childhood play contributes to better adaptability and stress coping skills in adulthood.
• Play has positive impacts on individuals, families, communities, and globally.
Please visit https://www.internationaldayofplay.org/
"97% of us believe play is important yet one in three of us do not have the time to play".